2010年5月13日 星期四

[潛蛾資料庫 017- 台北市內湖區 大崙頭山 鴨腳木]

The adult
The mine
The pupa and the mine
The larva and the mine
The adaxial (upper) side of the leaf with leaf miner
Collection information: Taiwan(台灣), Taipei City (台北市), Neihu District (內湖區), Daluentou(大崙頭山), 05-V-2010, Shipher Wu leg. (NSYSU)
Insect identify:
Eumetriochroa sp. (Subfamily Oecophyllembiinae, Family Gracillariidae 細蛾科)
Hostplant: Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms, 1894 鵝掌柴 (Family Araliaceae 五加科)

