2010年5月27日 星期四

台北 獼猴桃科水冬瓜 潛蛾進食行為影片

以水冬瓜為寄主植物之細蛾科潛蛾的取食行為 Feeding behaviour of a gracillariid larva on Saurauia tristyla var. oldhamii

體長約為3mm的幼蟲ㄧ面啃食葉片上表面以下的葉肉組織,一面向前推進,幼蟲頭部左右擺動之幅度即是其取食範圍,在葉片上形成隧道式的潛葉痕跡 (leaf mine),可觀察到幼蟲略過葉脈部份不食用,蟲體直接由側脈與上表皮之間穿越。幼蟲會將排遺留在經過的潛痕中,透明葉上表皮之下的幼蟲清晰可見。

Here we have a gracillariid larva feeding inside the leaf tissue and push its body forward. The "waving range" of the head is just right the range of its feeding mark. When looking at the leaf mine made by the larva, it's clearly that some veinlets are not consumed by the larva. The larva leaves the frass behind the mine tunnel and its body is clearly observable when seeing through the leaf.

Insect identify: Unidentified species (Family Gracillariidae 細蛾科)
Saurauia tristyla DC. var. oldhamii (Hemsl.) Finet & Gagncp. 1905 水冬瓜 (Family Actinidiaceae 獼猴桃科)

